Thursday, March 26, 2009

Going Green & Saving Green

Have you forever more been disgusted for years as you open the monthly power bill? Does it feel like you are at the mercy of the power company with no way out? Would you like to find some way to get back at them and away from their control of your money? I felt the same way about the monopoly and control the power companies have over us and decided to do something about it! I have got to tell you, I have found a way that works!!!
The answer to this problem was to either cut down my electric usage and or make my own electricity. We had been keeping our electric usage down as much as we could but, it only made a minimal reduction on our bill. Therefore, the only thing left was to try and generate my own electricity, so I decided to give it a try. Check this out.
I searched the internet for home power solutions and came across the solar and wind power generating units for homes that were on the market. After much research on all the different units available I found manufactured & installed solar & wind units for around $3,000.00 and some do it yourself units that could be assembled at home for 1/10th the cost of a manufactured and installed unit.
Being skeptical and with limited funds I went with the home assembly units. I reviewed several product sites and liked what I found on the site They stated that I could easily assemble my own Solar Panels and Wind Turbine units in 2 days with their ($50.00) instructional e-book manual, using materials & supplies that I could purchase at my local hardware store, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc...... for $200.00 or less.
Their promise is that these Solar and Wind Power units will cut power usage by as much as 80% and in some cases you can sell electricity back to the power company. Wow!! That got my attention!! Save money and make money off the power company. Payback, just what I would love to do!! Not to mention using pollution free green energy!! All this with a 60-day money back guarantee, I figured nothing to lose everything to gain.
I ordered the E-book and got to work as soon as I received and reviewed the assembly manual and video. Just like they said I had both the Solar Panel and Wind Turbine assembled and hooked up in two days. I bought all my materials & supplies locally for $188.00. Their fully illustrated manual with instructional video covered everything I needed to know and made the assembly fairly simple.
I could not believe it when I seen my power meter slow down. I watched it for hours after I got the system hooked up. I have been using these Solar and Wind units for 6-weeks now and I am very satisfied with the results. My power bill is $95.00 a month less now than before and I will be selling power back to the power company in the spring and fall of the year. I can't wait to see a credit on my power bill!!
I am elated with this Solar and Wind power system I have installed. I spent $188.00 on materials and $50.00 for the E-book manual for a total of $238.00 cost. The best money I have ever spent, I only wished I had done this sooner. The two things I am most proud of is that I am saving money and using green pollution free energy to power my home now.
My friends & family are installing these home power units in great anticipation of their savings of money while going to green energy.
I highly recommend that anyone who wants to go green energy while saving green money install these Solar and Wind power units at their home.

I am going green while saving green!!! Try it!! You will be glad you did!!

You can get this Going Green & Saving Green home power system instructional E-book at
this site.

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